Political Science
The courses within this program offer a wide range of complementary perspectives (economic, legal, sociological, historical, psychological), contributing to a better understanding of the intricate dimensions of the political domain and politics.
Career opportunities: political sciences researcher, political analyst, public administration advisor, president/secretary of political organizations, public administration expert, diplomatic counselor, civil servant, administrative clerk.

Communication and Public Relations
Following this program, the students will have the possibility of finding out: the way in which the public image of institutions/companies/political parties and organizations/non-governmental organizations is created and managed; the way in which conflicts are mediated, negotiated and solved; the way in which the relations of organizations with the media are handled, as spokesperson or staff member of the press office; the way in which written and audio-visual messages are conceived, media events are organized (press conferences, exhibitions, various launches of goods or services etc).
Career opportunities: mediator, human resources manager, public opinion researcher, image counselor, spokesperson, PR specialist, advertisement specialist.


• Communication and International Relations

• Security and Defense Studies